Tools You Need For ATV Maintenance

Nov. 25 2019 Miscellaneous By ___

Not only is an ATV a valuable investment, but you also come to rely on it to take you where no other vehicle can. To ensure your ATV has a long life, you need to take proper care of it. There’s a lot you can do in your garage or shed without the help of a mechanic as long as you’ve got the right tools. To get you started on the essential tools for ATV maintenance, we at Altus Motorsports have created this list for you. If you’d like additional help or if you’re still looking for a perfect ATV, visit us at our location in Altus, OK, serving Amarillo, TX.

Allen and Hex Bit Sockets

Most of the fasteners on your ATV will be hex heads, so you’ll be using these sockets a lot. With them, you’ll accomplish all the detailed work because a set of L-shaped hex keys works the same way as a screwdriver. The downside is you won’t get enough leverage on them. The other option is to go for hex-head sockets along with a few ratchets of different sizes to complement them.

Penetrating Oil or WD-40

Any mechanic will tell you that it’s helpful to keep these handy. You can use the WD-40 to lubricate and clean your ATV. Use the penetrating oil to help loosen stubborn screws. Otherwise, you’ll find yourself trying to drill out a fastener with brute strength. 

Test Light

When working on an ATV’s electrical system, a test light is a handy little tool to own. Use this light to measure the electric current before and after a connection to ensure that the connection is complete. Test lights aren’t very expensive and you’ll find many options that cost less than $20, which makes this a very cheap addition to your tool kit. 


If you’re going to work on your ATV’s electrical system you should think about investing in a multimeter. It measures electrical conductivity throughout the ATV and gives resistance, amperage and voltage readings that will reveal to you where your electrical system is hampering your performance. 

Tire Pressure Gauge & Repair Kit

A tire pressure gauge is important not only for regular maintenance checks but also to ensure your tires are ready for any tough task before you get going. A blowout can happen very easily if the pressure is incorrect. An inexpensive tire pressure gauge will allow you to keep your tires at the right pressure at all times. Remember that tire pressure changes with elevation so if you head somewhere where there’s a change in altitude, be sure to check the tire pressure and ensure that it hasn’t gotten too low before you head back. 

A repair kit for your tires is also a great addition to your set of tools. It’ll come in handy both on the track and trail. A tire plug kit with CO2 cartridges, glue, patches and plugs means that you can repair your tire without ever removing it from your powersports vehicle so you can save time and go back to riding.

Screwdrivers and Wrenches

Screwdrivers are helpful tools for many things around the house, including your ATV. Many parts in and around its engine are attached or regulated with screwdrivers. You’ll want to have a few shapes and sizes. Standard solid wrenches are great for a variety of uses, and a crescent wrench will help you take off a fastener of an unknown size in a jiffy. Allen wrenches are also helpful for many situations, and a vice grip will be invaluable for certain tasks.

We hope this list proves useful when you get started with your ATV maintenance. If you’re looking for professional service and repair, bring your quad down to Altus Motorsports and our technicians will whip it into shape in no time! We also have a number of new and pre-owned powersports vehicles for sale so drop by if you’re looking for one. We welcome everyone from Altus, OK and Amarillo, TX.